Is image important?

I will give you the answer right away: YES your image is important! Every morning I look at my closet and think about what to wear. I pick and choose pieces of clothing and accessories to create my outfit. That outfit will create my image for that day. When you go outside, the public’s eyes are watching you. In a 5 second glimpse, you will be judged like the proverbial book by its cover. You don’t think that is fair, and I totally agree, but it is a fact. People judge us by the way we present ourselves and all of that in 5 seconds!

Think about it, are you sure that your clothing style is a manifestation of the real you and the way you would like people to see you? Not sure? Let me give you some guidance to create the image that matches your mindset.

1. Imagine how you would like to look

Is image important?

What image do you currently convey and how does that image make you feel? If you don’t know how people see you, dare to ask people around you what they think about the way you present yourself. If your current image does not match with what you expected, picture the image you would like to convey and try to really feel it.
Personally my barometer to check if my image is still a representation of what I would like to convey is the spontaneous reaction of people. I regularly receive compliments from random people about my clothes, accessories, shoes etc. When I stop receiving them, it tells me I need to put more effort again in the choice of my outfit.

2. Change your demeanor

Believe in yourself. The way you look is part of your image, make your image credible through your behavior. Quit living your old image and build self- confidence as you build your image. For example, join the Toastmaster’s organization, which will help you build self-confidence by practicing public speaking skills. Or surround yourself with a small circle of advisers that are positive, and give you advice and encouragement around your daily challenges.
I did both of those things and they helped me tremendously! I went from being a shy, introverted person to a woman who feels good about herself and isn’t afraid to communicate freely with all people, including total strangers.

3. Consider why you want to change your image

There can be different reasons to give your image a boost. What is your reason? Would you like to look:
– more professional
– sexier
– more confident
– …
As for myself, I knew my main focus was going to be to look more confident, since I was beginning to feel that way. So I needed to really focus on aligning my clothing style with my overall feeling.

4. Look around you

Find people that carry elements in their image you would like to have. You can match all the aspects from different individuals and create your own image. Have fun with it.
For example, when I am at a shopping mall, I totally love watching other people and especially what they are wearing. When I see a woman who is dressed very well, I ask myself (and sometimes even my husband when he is with me): “Would that look good on me?”.

5. Take it easy

Take it one step at the time. Drastic makeovers may be too radical to the point of you not even recognizing yourself anymore. Build the image you’d like to have slowly but steadily until one day you will say: “Now people can see the real me”.
A couple of times I have seen people making the mistake of going too fast. The result was that their friends and family started wondering about them…They thought that the makeover was a manifestation of them entering a midlife crisis of sorts. That is what you really want to avoid.

6. Say goodbye to tired old clothes

Take a close look at your wardrobe. Do you tend to wear the same clothes year in year out? Do you have pieces in your closet you never wear? Today’s the day, be brave and get rid of your tired old clothes, even if they have been your “pal” for a very long time. Deep down you know that old clothes don’t get better with age, they will make you look older and that is not what you want. If you are sentimental about certain pieces, hand them on to your teenage daughters. Two decade old clothes don’t look good on you, they may be charming on your daughter. The pieces your daughter(s) don’t want, get them out of sight and out of your mind: release yourself from the sentimental feelings for your tired old clothes and feel the pleasant and more productive need to dress your “new you”, the person you want to be.
I make it a habit to review my wardrobe every 6 months and throw out whatever I don’t feel I’m going to wear much anymore. And by the way: I make my husband do the same thing – but don’t ask how much negotiation that requires!

If you care about your image, you will project that image only through your (clothing) style and demeanor. Whatever projection of yourself you would like to convey, be smart about it because judgments are made very quickly. Read more here about how your image can determine your potential future.