My face feels and looks great again

About 3 weeks ago I shared my “Acne Story”. Today I am proud to tell you that my visit at the dermatologist was very successful. As you can see on the picture below, my acne is clearly vanishing. My skin looks much smoother and I do not notice any new outbreaks. What’s the secret behind this transformation?

It is very simple.

Acne treatments for people over 40 include all of the same go-to options as teens use, such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. My doctor advised me to use Panoxyl with 4% benzoyl peroxide as a facial soap because it will not dry out my skin as much as the 8% version would do. This product is available over the counter and costs less than 10 dollars! In combination with the face wash I am also using “Clindamycin Phosphate Lotion”, a lotion I put once daily on the affected area. I have to say, after having used the face wash in combination with the lotion for 2 weeks, my face looks so much smoother and feels very soft. I hardly ever use the lotion anymore. This facial cream wash is a real revelation to me, if only I had known this much earlier…

Too many women (including me) wait to see a doctor for their skin problems. If you have basic acne, over-the-counter treatments with salicylic acid to unclog pores or benzoyl peroxide to reduce bacteria on skin can do wonders. If you have serious acne, I am sure a dermatologist will find the right product for you to clear up your skin. Stop procrastinating and see your dermatologist or try the PanOxyl cream wash. I am very happy with the results.

I don’t know exactly what happened with the distribution of the Panoxyl 4% cream wash. I tried to order it again because it was working very well for me and cheap ($10). nor Amazon don’t sell it anymore, I couldn’t get it at the Giant Eagle Pharmacy, … So I started a new search and I found “Topix Benzoyl Peroxide 5% wash” for $12.50. I tried it and I am very happy with the results.

BEFORE                                                                                    AFTER

I am looking forward to hearing from you. Leave a comment and share your acne-solving stories with other readers. We are all here to learn.