Perfectly shaped Eyebrows

Image_perfect-brow-bar-2_grid_6My general impression of American women is that they know very well how to take care of themselves. When I grab a coffee at my local Starbucks cafe and I screen the faces of the women waiting in line, I am always surprised by the sophisticated, polished look these women always have.

After having sipped several lattes I discovered that their perfectly shaped eyebrows were the main contribution to their fabulous look. As I was intrigued, I wanted to find out what the secret technique was. Don’t you agree that a set of perfectly groomed eyebrows is the most subtle and elegant way to highlight your face? I used to keep my eyebrows in shape with my tweezers. Every week I was busy plucking my eyebrow hair, not an amusing affair… and the result was not fantastic. Through observation and conversations I had with American women I found out that many of them used the “eyebrow threading service” to get these perfectly shaped eyebrows.

I had never heard of it before so I started reading about it and it seems to be an ancient method of hair removal which originated in parts of India, the Middle and Far East, and is now gaining popularity in Western countries. The only tool you need for threading is a 100% cotton thread. The beautician will twist and roll the thread along the surface of your skin so that the unwanted hairs get caught in the thread and are lifted quickly from the follicle. I definitely noticed the difference between my eyebrows and the brows of the ladies using this technique. Threading is more precise than waxing or plucking and allows for better lines.

After having seen and heard many success stories about threading, I started looking for a salon where I could have my eyebrows perfectly shaped just like my American neighbors. And yes Woo hoo I am so glad I found one very close to where I live. Pleasant surprise is that the technique is rather inexpensive ($13 including taxes + tip) because it neither requires costly chemical ingredients nor advanced tools. As I said before many American women’s faces look very polished and beautiful but for myself I opt for a more natural look, especially because of my acne (although I am 40 years old, I still suffer from acne outbreaks). Therefore I don’t like to clutter my pores even more with make-up. So for women who are also “doomed with acne outbreaks” or women who like to pursue a more natural beauty regimen for any other reason, I think hair threading is a really good choice. It does not use harmful products and your face will look polished even without make-up.

Unfortunately I cannot say that the threading technique is painless, it does hurt especially when you have thick hair but it is very quick (a couple of minutes) and precise. To save you from unnecessary pain, It is important to find an experienced beautician. Inexperienced staff can send you home with uneven brows, broken hairs or ingrown hairs. I have had good experience with my salon but I have seen less experienced individuals. My tip is to ask around to get “threading recommendations” from family, friends or neighbors.

Look how the shape of my eyebrows changed after threading.

                 BEFORE THREADING                                               AFTER THREADING

Perfectly shaped eyebrows

Try it yourself and I am sure that you’ ll be thrilled with the result.

2 comments on “Perfectly shaped Eyebrows

  1. Esther Alcaina on

    This is so useful, Anja! Thanks! I’ll definitely try it. Beautifully shaped eyebrows make a big difference and brighten our faces. I’ve always thought that but never had the initiative to go to a salon for it. Your article motivated me!

    • Anja on

      Hi Esther, I am glad my article convinced you and I am sure that you will be happy with the results. Let me know how it went !

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